TriCal Australia is the only Australian distributor of ProFume®, an award winning Douglas Products' fumigant which has been used to replace Methyl Bromide and aluminum phosphide fumigants across a wide range of post-harvest, quarantine, and pre-shipment fumigation activities. ProFume has been successful in controlling Phosphine resistant insect pests in the grain growing areas of Australia.
ProFume is an excellent rotation fumigant for the grain industry. Interchanged with Phosphine, it delivers a cost effective resistance management strategy that increases the useful life of Phosphine in grain protection. The use of ProFume in this way is a credible industry wide strategy that provides the grain industry with options not previously available.
Methyl Bromide is a fast acting fumigant used for Quarantine and Pre-Shipment (QPS) treatment for imports and exports of certain commodities nationally and internationally. Quarantine relates to fumigations performed by, or with the authorization of a Commonwealth, State or Territory authority to prevent the introduction, establishment or spread of a pest or disease in Australia, a State or Territory. Pre-shipment relates to fumigations carried out on a commodity before it is exported, to meet the requirements of the importing country or a law of the Commonwealth.
Methyl Bromide may be used to fumigate cereal grains, cereal products, dried fruits, pulse, and pulse products (including field peas), timber and cane products, buildings, and other structures.
While BMSB access homes and buildings to overwinter, they will also access anything else they can find that provides a suitable overwintering location. Certain goods being exported to Australia have been identified as providing locations suitable to BMSB overwintering and therefore require treatment to ensure they are free from BMSB.
According to the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment of Australian Government, BMSB seasonal measures will apply to targeted goods manufactured in or shipped from target risk countries, that have been shipped between 1 September and 30 April, and to vessels that berth, load, or tranship from target risk countries within the same period.
Length: 0.5-0.7 IN / 1.2-1.7 cm
In order to conduct an effective BMSB treatment, goods must be presented in a manner that allows the heat or fumigant to reach all external and internal surfaces of the goods accessible to BMSB.
The type of goods subject to mandatory treatment are different for Australia and New Zealand, see more details in and
Fruit flies are recognised as one of the world’s most destructive and economically important horticultural pests. According to Fruit Fly ID Australia, two species are the focus of pest control programs within Australia, the Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) which is native to Australia, and the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) which was introduced in the 1890s. Beyond Australia’s borders there are a range of highly damaging fruit fly species that post a significant risk. Species like the Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) occur in countries immediately to the north of Australia and are the subject of ongoing surveillance programs.
To mantain Australia free from this pest and other exotic fruit flies, TriCal Australia uses 100% methyl bromide for fumigating fruit and fruiting vegetables, food producing plants and ornamentals; this procedure covers the requirements for fruit fly and other plant pests according to the Department of Primary Industries and Regions.
A tiny beetle pest that infests stored produce such as grain shipments or silos, eating the produce and making it inedible. It can infest shipments of imported grain and other foodstuffs, personal effects, machinery, straw, and as a hitchhiker in sea containers and a wide range of cargo (plastic beads, nuts, and bolts, timber doors).
Khapra beetle can survive as a hitchhiker pest in sea containers for a number of years. Due to its small size, its ability to survive for extended periods without food and its preference for inhabiting crevices it can remain undetected under floors and in cracks and crevices in sea containers. When conditions are favourable beetle populations can quickly increase and can contaminate any goods held within the container.
According to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, there are many exotic pests and insects that could hitch a ride to Australia in timber, timber products, packaging and on cargo containers. If these pests establish in Australia they could have a detrimental impact on our agricultural and forestry industries, natural environment, food security, and economy.
As a buyer and importer, you are responsible for making sure that all imported goods meet Australia's import conditions, including being free of exotic insects and pests.
To avoid delays and additional costs to your business make sure your overseas buyers, suppliers and manufacturers know what the import and biosecurity requirements are before you purchase and import your products.